Notice Board

29th June 2024

2024/2025 league

This will begin on 26th September

29th June 2024


This will be on 5th September

This will be at East ham

29th June 2024

3s competition

29th August. This will be played on 1 night

£1 a person

29th June 2024

Summer cup

This will begin on 8th August

6 a side for 3 weeks

£2 a person Draw still to be done

29th June 2024

8s finals

This will be played on 1st August. Best of nine Venue to be confirmed

29th June 2024

8s competition second Round

This will be played on 25th July

29th June 2024

Outstanding games to be played:

4th July Lord Stanley v Leyton House Golden Fleece v Abbey Arms

11th July Abbey Arms v Lord Stanley Leyton House v Henley Arms

18th July Leyton House v Abbey Arms Henley Arms v Lord Stanley

25th July Stanley B v Lord Stanley